What are airport VIP services and why use them?

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From getting your paperwork and travel documents in order to coordinating connecting flights and navigating customs, flying can be a stressful experience at the best of times.

Travel hubs around the world make it a point of pride to offer business and leisure travelers a range of airport VIP services that start from the moment you arrive at the airport.

If you’re considering dipping your toe into the world of airport concierge services – and in particular in Antigua – then you’ve come to the right place. Read on for Relocate Antigua’s guide to VIP arrival services, and find out how our local teams can make your journey as seamless as possible…

The airport concierge experience: what to expect

VIP treatment

Creativity knows no bounds when it comes to the services and facilities available to travelers looking to make their trip that little bit more comfortable – including airport VIP services.

The option of being fast-tracked through security, sitting back as you make use of airport VIP transfers, putting your feet up in champagne bars and plush lounges, and even settling in at built-in spas and on-site coworking spaces…

Airports are increasingly upping their game, with a few stand-out examples wiping the board thanks to the luxury services they offer.

Jaw-dropping examples of luxury airport services

This private terminal at Al Maktoum International Airport boasts a cigar lounge and plush relaxation areas, as well as private Rolls Royce transfers to and from your aircraft upon departure and arrival.

Formerly known as The Private Suite, PS offers guests at LAX a host of luxury amenities and facilities, including BMW escort to your plane, a salon, spa, in-house entertainment and incredible dine-in experiences.

This private terminal in one of the world’s busiest transport hubs promises bespoke services, gorgeous architectural lounges, fresh local cuisine and incredible cocktails, as well as classic services such as luggage assistance and transfers to and from your aircraft and the terminal.

Airport VIP services

The jet-setting lifestyle can take its toll, and airport concierge amenities are the perfect option for relieving some of the pressure. What you can expect from a VIP airport assistance service will always vary from place to place, but there are a handful of non-negotiable frills to look out for.

Meet and greet services

‘Meet and greets’ are an excellent alternative to the hassle of hunting down car parks, parking spaces, shuttles, and taxis. They can often work out cheaper than private cabs and drivers, too.

Some meet-and-greeters will be ready and waiting from the moment you step off the plane, on hand to usher you through the entire arrivals process, including customs and security. Others will simply collect you from the arrivals area and whisk you away to wherever you need to be.

These services are often bespoke, so check with the provider beforehand. Meet and greet add-ons can be provided by the airport, the car park operator, or specialist teams such as Relocate Antigua and our VIP airport handling service.

Do your research ahead of time and book your meet and greet early in the game – or get in touch with our friendly experts, and let us handle the hard work for you.

Fast track VIP airport assistance

The idea behind fast-track services is that travelers spend less time in never-ending queues, and more time relaxing before their trip. Being sped through security clearing, passport control and luggage check-in is often worth every penny, and the add-on fees for fast track assistance can often be more reasonable than you’d expect.

This type of service can sometimes include assistance with dealing with customs and passport checks, so make sure you read up on your arrival airport beforehand to find out what’s included in your package.

Fast track services are easy to book online through airports’ own websites, but rest assured that Relocate Antigua is on hand to help with all kinds of bookings, tickets and reservations help you might need.

Luggage assistance

Lugging around heavy bags is one of the least appealing aspects of the travel experience – but fortunately for you, concierge services around the world offer help with your bags, allowing you to travel hands-free.

Porters are available to load luggage onto trolleys and escort you through the airport in most places, but other operators take the concept a step further, offering door-to-door luggage collection and courier services.

Relocate Antigua specializes in courier services as part of our wider relocation package, and as a stand-alone feature you might care to dip into, whether you’re visiting the island or heading further afield.

Private chauffeurs and drivers

Skipping the taxi rank and stepping into your very own private vehicle is an unbeatable feeling, and guaranteed to get your trip started off on the right foot.

From luxury limousine transfers to private drivers on hand to chaperone you throughout your stay, take your time in deciding what kind of service would help you get the most out of your experience abroad. Chauffeurs and drivers are sometimes included in meet and greet services, so check what’s included when you book.

Feel free to pick up the phone and speak to one of Relocate Antigua’s consultants, too: we specialize in private chauffeurs and car and chauffeur services in Antigua, but our expertise in the field means we’re well equipped to research and negotiate the right assistance for you – wherever you are around the world.

VIP services

Advantages of using an airport concierge service

Using a VIP arrival service always makes sense, taking the hassle out of travel and freeing up your mind to focus on what matters. Delegating the details to trained professionals gives you the space to kick back and enjoy the experience…

Maximize productivity

When you’re not fretting about navigating public transport or unreliable taxis to get where you need to be, your on-the-road productivity is bound to sky-rocket. Whip out your laptop and fire off a few emails from the comfort of a VIP lounge airport, saving you time once you arrive at the other end.

Make travel part of the experience

In an age when security measures have been tightened and processes and procedures seem heftier than they have ever been, there’s a tendency to see being on the road as a massive inconvenience you need to struggle through and get done.

Airport VIP services put a little spark of joy back into the travel experience, allowing you to truly soak up your time in transit, and actively enjoy being on the move.

Save time

Forget about arriving three hours early to the airport ‘just in case’, or hanging around well after your flight has landed as you attempt to hunt down your missing bags. No more standing by the side of the road desperately trying to flag down a taxi, either. Concierge services save you time – which means more hours to spend on the reason you booked a flight in the first place.

Support the local economy

From luxury lounge bar staff to professional drivers, greeters and front-desk operators, VIP services are an excellent way of supporting the local economy and workers who take pride in the services they offer – a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The VIP experience in Antigua

Antigua is all about discreet, understated luxury translated through high-end services with a grounded, friendly twist – and Relocate Antigua is no different.

You won’t find sweeping, majestic private terminals and megaplex airport cinemas here. It’s just not how we roll. What you will find, however, is a committed team of passionate experts in customer service and premium travel, dedicated to whisking you through the airport and out to the water’s edge.

Relocate Antigua’s VIP airport handling team brings you a bespoke service tailored to your needs, including:

  • Private taxis to and from V. C. Bird International Airport
  • Arranging private lounges for total comfort
  • An Arrival Meet and Assist service with full immigration and customs assistance
  • A Transit Meet and Assist service with full emigration assistance
  • VIP Lounge access

Because Relocate Antigua specializes in treating our clients to exactly what they need, exactly when they need it, we can arrange anything and everything from private onward transfers to interpreters to help you at customs.

Airport concierge and VIP services: small, affordable pleasures

From help with organizing your transfers to relaxing in plush private lounges and enjoying the heart-warming feeling of being greeted with a friendly smile as soon as you land, airport concierge and VIP services today are often affordable and easy to book.

Sometimes the smallest things can make all the difference, and treating yourself to something as simple as help with your bags or a pre-booked driver can transform a business trip into an unforgettable experience.

Get in touch with Relocate Antigua’s relocation and concierge service experts to find out what we can do for you.

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